Our First Outbuilding: For The Horses Of Course.

Pole shed kit

Well... Here we are going to build our first outbuilding. A traditional pole shed. We have collected some cedar poles from the family. Nine to be exact. They are loggers and this is basically their scrap. Would have become cheap firewood if I didn't liberate them. So I don't feel......

Pole shopping


One pole is enough to dig An auger a day makes your poles stand up straight


Debarking is hard work


Poles standing


Side supports standing Ridge pole up


Recovering the tree


The cats approve the shed


Roof rafters Rafter notching


Rafters raised


The mill supplies the rest of the limber


Trimming the rafters for the roof


Installing the tin roof Ready for roof


View from the shed


Roof finished


Saw mill scrap saw-horse Ship-lap router setup


Ship-lap siding


Butt-miter jig


First ship-lap wall up


Shed walls outside view


Shed walls inside view


Shed highway view Shed south-west entrance


Shed East stall Shed West stall



